Day 11
Scooter and me rambled off Ridgefield Farm early Sunday morning. It had been a great visit with Scott and Alan.  Scott can always make you laugh and Alan makes me work on the farm. However, this time I don't think he got his money's worth.  I helped build what I call the wall of "shame". Even a West Virginian would be shamed by the construction.  I also got his mower stuck and he had to use the tractor get it out.
The plan was to get into and out of Washington alive 'cause even Sunday traffic can be challenging.  We got into the District with no problem but a little unforcast rain.  Then the problems started.  The whole mall from the Capital building to the river and about 3 blocks either way for a tri-athlon. That is about all of downtown. I probe several directions and got diverted.  I stopped and asked a cop in full swat team gear if I could push my scooter down the side walk for some pictures.  He started to lecture and for the first time in my "old age" I used the word son...."son I asked for an answer not a lecture" and rode off.  Since all I was seeing was red cones and police cars I figured I should take a couple of pictures.  Then I noticed that the officer in the car was snoring.  I went over wake him as this did not seem to go well with uniform.  Officer Stacy Davis awoke before I reached him.  We had a very long visit.  He has been on the force 19 years, details bus's on the side, and just got divorced after 22 years.  Age seems the theme of the day because he asked my age and he said "you ain't even old enough to be my father". He got out of his car and that opened him to everyone else that was trying to figure out what the heck was going on.  Many were trying to get to work or to church.  He was helpful and patient with all.  Eventually I was able to goodbye and got back on the road.
We talked to many people today, including some Harley Riders.  Got a lot of waves and nods of approval from cars, motorcycles and trucks. It was short though and we arrived in East Port Md. at the house that Sue built by noon.